
The 8 pillars of Secure Base Leadership
What are the fundamentals of Secure Base Leadership? The 8 pillars of Secure Base Leadership. Find your own path

Secure Base in conflict resolution
How to deal with conflict?
The importance of dialog
What are the blocks to dialog?
Resolving conflict and de-escalation process
Practice with an exercise

Secure Base Leader's characteristics
What are the characteristics of a Secure Base Leader? 8 characteristics of a Secure Base Leader. Learn from hostage negotiation example. Practice with an exercise

Caring and Daring
Understand the importance of caring and Daring. Care to dare in talent development. Nice vs. kind. Styles of leadership. Practice with exercises

Emotions and Trauma
Discover the impact of emotions. What are the types of emotions? Understand trauma. Understand your triggers. What happened to you?

Fondations & personal history
Understand the strength of Secure Bases. How to develop talent? The process of individuation. Practice with exercises

Types of Secure Bases
How to identify your Secure Bases? Types of Secure Bases. Exercice to inventif your Secure Bases

Secure Bases in relationships
Discover the cycle of bonding
What are the stages of grief?
Understand the person effect
Practice with an exercise

Leading from the mind's eye
Discover the power of the Mind's eye. How do you play? Are you in a positive or negative state? How to become positive? Reacting to change
Practice with exercises

What is a secure base?
Understand what is a Secure Base Leader. Definition of a Secure Base Leader. Understand psychological safety. Practice with an exercise

The secret against manipulation
To avoid tricky traps and manipulation
with the Contingent-Clause technique

The secret of time
To manage pressure and tension
with the Adjourn technique