Conflict Resolution through Mediation
The Unique Skill to Manage Conflicts
By Grégoire Seigneur de Bast, Executive, Mediator, Negotiator and HEC Teacher.
A Business Science Institute (AMBA Accredited) Certification
The PINS(c) Profiling tool
- 246€Valid for one year
- Master Empathy concretely
- Be a TRUE listener
- Make proposal that has impact
- Build long lasting solution
- Learn the conflict traps
- Break the conflict spirale
- Avoid the manipulation technique
- Any many more...
- Get your BSI awarded Certification

Master Empathy & Emotions
Not only you will understand Empathy and Active Listening, but you will learn how to put them into practice.
You will then make an outstanding difference.
Science Proven Secrets
Not only you will understand Empathy and Active Listening, but you will learn how to put them into practice.
You will then make an outstanding difference.

The PINS(c) Profiling tool
The PINS(c) profile allows you to know you better and find out your strengths.
You and your teams will then benefit from it and achieve more with better relationships.

A Business Science Institute (AMBA Accredited) Certification
Conflict Management is among the Top 3 skills required by companies. And one off the top 3 reasons for your employees to leave.
You will be certified by the Business Science Institute (AMBA accredited).
Understand conflict
5 minutes
How to adapt to the situation?
Definition of conflict and mediation and their stages
I understand the dynamic model
The office - Universal Studios
Preparing the mediation
6 minutes
How to set the scene for the mediation?
I understand the pre-interview
21-day challenge
The good, the bad and the ugly - MGM
The mediation loop
7 minutes
How to manage the mediation interview?
I am able to use the mediation loop technique
21-day challenge
The "still face" experiment by Dr. Edward Tronick
The secret of offers
8 minutes
How to make impactful offers?
I understand the PASs-your-order(c) technique
21-day challenge
The rock - Buena Vista Pictures
The secret to discover interests
7 minutes
How to find the needs behind the words?
I understand the Empathic reformulation technique
21-day challenge
Inside out - Walt Disney Pictures - Pixar Animations Studios
The secret of Yes
5 minutes
How to make sure your agreement will be applied?
I understand the Formalise technique
21-day challenge
Game of Thrones - HBO
The secret of listening
7 minutes
How to listen actively?
I understand the FOCAL(c) technique
21-day challenge
The guy who listens by interrupting you - College Humor
The secret for preventing coonflict
9 minutes
How to reduce the risk of future conflicts?
I understand the signs of future conflicts
21-day challenge
The break up - Universal Pictures
The secret of cognitive biases
6 minutes
How to fight cognitive biases?
I understand the main cognitive biases and how to fight them
21-day challenge
The monkey challenge - Daniel J. Simons
The secret against deviant techniques
7 minutes
How to cope with deviant techniques?
I understand the RARES(c) technique
21-day challenge
Suits - Universal Content Productions